Staffordshires Husband & Wife Pest Team.
07830 479809 or 01782 616919

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Moles can dig up to 20 metres of tunnels every day making them the bane of gardeners, farmers and groundsmen alike. In deciduous woodland moles are harmless, however on farmland and lawns its a different story. Molehills are unsightly and can be hazardous on sports fields, paddocks and other public lawns. More seriously, they can cause listeria in silage production which in turn can infect cattle and sheep, as well as causing damage to garden and farm machinery which can be very expensive to repair, therefore it′s crucial you act quickly to prevent mole problems getting out of hand.
With the use of Strychnine now Banned in the control of mole infestations, the demand for traditional molecatchers has been steadily on the rise. Trapping can be a time consuming process while gassing is location and weather dependent and not entirely effective. All of which means many pest control companies have abandoned their mole control services. At JD′s Pest and Vermin Control we relish the challenge moles provide and use only Traditional Trapping methods. If you′ve got a mole problem in Staffordshire and the surrounding counties, contact the experts to guarantee the job′s done properly.

Rabbit Control
Professional Service
Rabbits were first introduced here in the UK in the 11th Century by the Normans who used them for food and fur. In those days they were a valuable commodity and warreners were employed to look after them on large estates.
What some would regard as cuddly bunnies can be destructive pests if they roam free in a farm environment.
Each rabbit consumes about 0.5kg of food per day, so they can be very destructive to crops and to grazing land. Myxomatosis nearly wiped out the rabbit population in the UK, but they have since recovered due to developing resistance to the virus and are now estimated to destroy about £100 million worth of crops annually.
Gestation takes 28 to 30 days so litters are produced monthly from late winter to summer. From 3 to 8 kittens are born blind and furless, but are independent after about 30 days and sexually mature in 4 months. The females are ready to breed again quickly and can produce up to six litters in a season.
We use effective control methods ranging from Traditional ferreting & netting to shooting.
Contact us today for more details about the services we offer.